Password hashing and password cracking

Password Hashes & Cracking — Input

See all possible hashes

Salt left & right (click on the O to generate a salt)


Left Salt

Right Salt

Both Salts

No Salts

For dictionary attack (NL) demo purposes, click one of the lines below. number of characters

Aap Noot Mies Wim Zus Jet 25
Put Out More Flags 18
The Tuesday Club Murders 24
Thirteen at Dinner 18
Murder in the Calais Coach 26
Сегодня солнечно 31
Murder in Three Acts 20
Mr. Parker Pyne: Detective 26
Death in the Air 16
Dead Man's Mirror 17
🐝🐞🦟🐢🐙 20
Poirot Loses a Client 21
A Holiday for Murder 20
Murder for Christmas 20
An Overdose of Death 20
Ongewassen Vlooienbaal 22
The Patriotic Murders 21
Murder in Retrospect 20
اليوم مشمس 19
Murder after Hours 18
Theun Vuur Gijs Lam Kees Bok 28
There Is a Tide 15
Murder with Mirrors 19
Vroeger_Was_Ik_1_Lekker_Wijf 28
Blood Will Tell 15
Funerals Are Fatal 18
Weide Does Hok Duif Schapen 27
Aestas et nos hodie celebramus 30
What Mrs McGillicuddy Saw 25
Hercule Poirot's Early Cases 28
rasmuslerdorf 13
Badeend met Koudwatervrees 26
Adverteren doet Begeren 23
sonera12 8
surfer83 8
今天天氣晴朗 18
sarmad12 8
renato34 8
tictac98 8
medina28 8
rowena01 8
Fugitivus Claudio Disputatio 28
Pecunia Non Olet 16
ថ្ងៃនេះវាមានពន្លឺថ្ងៃ 63
Caesar Imperium Mundo 21
Quad Erat Demonstrandum 23
Carthago Delenda Est 20
Morituri Te Salutant 20
Intereo Torrens Quando 22
Avondklok_Festiviteiten1 24
🐶🦊🐯🐸🐒🐣 24
Quamvis_2041_Promptu 20
Accipio_2631_Prorsus 20
Promptu_9666_Ceterus 20
Nitesco_9395_Pecunia 20
Felicis_5181_Sonitus 20
Modicus_8916_Ultra 18
Aeternus_2484_Teres 19
Elatus_9677_Pasco 17
Fateor_9815_Infossum 20
Munimentum_9204_Postquam 24

Source :
Github :
Check Password strenght :
Note This is the correct Dropbox link : zxcvbn: realistic password strength estimation
More Passwords :
Dictionary file : aka.csv
Have I Been Pwned Checker : api_hibp.php

Download zip file with this PHP file, the dictionary file and an edited crack.php file.

YouTube : Cracking MD5 hashes